In this article you will learn about how to start a blog and make money in 2019. First starting a blog is not a difficult thing. There are several free blog sites are there using that you can create your own blog site.

start a blog,earn money online, make money

5 Steps to start a blog and make money.

1. Getting right domain name

A domain name is the main thing to start a blog. So get a attractive domain name that can be easy registered on human brain. There are several domain name provider are in internet they are providing a domain name at cheap rate.

Top Domain name providers at cheap rate

2. Getting right Host to create a blog website

Hosting a blog on a server is main part to make your blog alive on internet. If your blog in hosted on a server so everyone can access your blog on internet by using your domain name. Buy a better host that provide High speed,Bandwidth,Database server,Mail server and FTP server. 

We already written an article about how to create a server and host a website on it. If you want to see it click here 

After creating a host point you domain name to your hosting server to access it via domain name.

Top Hosting service providers at cheap rate

3. Choosing your blog provider

If your are a web developer you can develop your own blog website using HTML,CSS,PHP and MYSQL. Or if you don't know anything about web development you can choose a blog provider service and create your blog easily without any programming.

There are Two main blog providers are there.

Using Google Blogger

Google blogger is a free blog provider service. Here you can create your personal or public blog that describer your passion.
If you want to create a blog in blogger you should not want to follow 2nd step (i.e) you cannot want to create a host.
Google Blogger provides

  • Free domain (
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • Unlimited storage
  • More Safer
  • Easy to use 

Word press Provides

If you want to use blogger you need to install a word press on your hosting server through FTP.

Based on your server your word press blog will be perform

  • Easy website design
  • Many themes
  • Plugins
  • website customization is easy 

4. SEO for your blog

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a most compulsory need to rank your website on top search engines like Google,Bing,Yahoo etc..

Webmaster Tools:

In SEO optimization there are 8 main thing to rank our website on top

For the first you need to grab most searched keyword on internet recently. Using that keyword start writing a blog post.
Best Keyword tools

Attractive Title:
For your blog post make a attractive title with a keyword present on it. Describe whole post in a single title. Always enter the year on your title to get more views for your post

Meta description:
Meta description is more important to rank your website on top. So don't be lazy to set a meta description for your blog post.
Image optimization:
Image optimization is an advanced SEO to rank your website top. Choose an attractive image that describe your post then type a alt text for your image. This alt text should contain a keyword of your blog post.
Unique Content:
Unique content is a very very important thing that should be followed while writing a blog post. All your contents should be unique there should not be any copy and paste on post. This will attack your website ranking and may violate DMCA policy.
Internal links:
In every post you written there should be a internal link your your website. This will increase your page views and impression on your blog.
outbound links:
This outbound links also important to increase your rank on search engine. Outbound links are linking other site links on your posts.
Social sharing:
Social sharing is a best way to generate a traffic for your website. Share your post on social media like Facebook,Twitter,Whats app,Instagram etc..

5. Monetization

Making money online is a easy process on digital marketing. Here you can earn money online by different ways from sitting in a home.

To earn money online through your blog is easy. And there are several ways you can earn money online.

Google Adsense:
To earn money from google adsense you need to submit your website to google ad-sense.If you website comply with google adsense policy your website is approved to earn money.

Affiliate Marketing:
Affiliate Marketing is a way of earning money online by promoting a service or products of others by your website traffic.
Selling own products:
If you have your own brand you can sell your own product on your website and generate more income from your blog.

Free lancing:
Showing your skills to other and getting hired by someone to earn money.